Signature Plating, a specialist in decorative plating and anodising for the aviation industry, has collaborated with one of its coatings suppliers to develop an antimicrobial solution for its durable clear coat, for use in aircraft cabins. The solution is now used for all metal-plated parts requiring a clear coat finish.
The antimicrobial element has been added to ensure protection for decorative finishes, as well as those who will handle the finished parts, including installers and passengers. The company noted a trend for airlines, completion centres, MROs and OEM suppliers to provide interior products with a germ/microbe inhibitor embedded in the material, to build public confidence in the safety of the cabin environment.
Signature Plating says that as long as this clear coat remains on a part, it will provide an antimicrobial barrier. The inhibitor is suspended in the clear coat, covers the whole part and is spread throughout the thickness of the clear coat. According to the company, the solution has been tested, passed and certified to ISO 22196:2011 to reduce microbes on a part’s surface. The company also says the antimicrobial barrier will not allow microbes to live on the part’s surface, preventing the spread of bacteria.