Global supply chain solutions and MRO provider, AJW Group, has joined forces with Autostop Aviation, the largest seat cover manufacturing facility in Europe. The two companies have signed a 10-year partnership agreement which will operate under the name of ‘AJW Technique Interiors’, tying in with AJW Group subsidiary, AJW Technique, which is a component MRO facility. Among the aims of the deal are for Autostop Aviation’s SkyLeather polyurethane synthetic leather for airline seats to be offered to a wider market via AJW’s global customer base.
Christopher Whiteside, chairman and CEO of AJW Group said of the agreement, “AJW prides itself on transforming aviation efficiency, and the announcement of the new AJW Technique Interiors division offering synthetic leather, seat cover manufacturing, life vest pouches and carpet kitting, to name a few, will bring game changing savings and efficiencies to airlines across the globe.”
SkyLeather was designed by experts from Autostop, who applied their years of experience in the automotive seat cover manufacturing sector into this product, and adapted it to meet the quality and compliance demands of aviation. SkyLeather is a vegan, eco-friendly material available in any colour and grain, and Autostop Aviation says it is cost-effective, lightweight and durable, as well as being soft to the touch, antimicrobial and easy to clean.
The partnership will give more airlines access to seat covers made with lean manufacturing processes, using embedded Six Sigma principles, as practiced as standard by Autostop in the automotive sector. The company says that its 1mm quality tolerances and volume pricing enable airlines to benefit from high reliability and efficiency.
Autostop Aviation’s in-house production capabilities also give airlines the benefits of a one-stop-shop facility, with the design, development, testing and production of seat covers all conducted under one roof.
Sajedah Rustom, CEO of AJW Technique, commented, “We are ecstatic to expand the renowned Technique brand into aircraft interiors, delivering world-class services to our customers, who have come to regard us as their dependable, one-stop source for flawless repair execution.”