Cloud-based solutions are enabling maintenance and operational availability to work together, making manual, time-consuming and error-prone maintenance planning a thing of the past
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James Elliott from IFS explains that as airlines start to focus on serving their passengers and optimizing the customer experience, they are also looking to outsource one of their biggest cost areas – the maintenance of aircraft. And this is opening up huge opportunities for service providers…
The aerospace maintenance chemicals market is estimated to surpass US$8 billion and 700 kilotons by 2024, driven by substantial growth in global airline traffic along with stringent regulations for regular maintenance checks
Almost four in ten commercial aircraft around the world could be equipped to provide passengers with inflight wi-fi by the end of 2018. However, there are several hurdles that could prevent installations, which must be overcome and/or avoided, says Daniel Welch from market intelligence company, Valour Consultancy
Millennials are often labelled as ‘entitled snowflakes’, glued to their screens and expecting the good life on a silver platter. However, this generation’s habits may be the key disruptor to improve air travel experiences. Extreme change is on the horizon that will make airports as we know them virtually unrecognizable – if not extinct, say Stephen Symons and Alex Heather from Aurecon
Firm orders from Farnborough Airshow may be low but the year has a long way to go. Dr Stuart Hatcher, COO at global consulting firm IBA, and Mike Yeomans, head of valuations, examine the outcomes in the narrow and widebody sectors and observe a surge in orders for regional jets as the market reacts to pent-up demand
Dr Richard Collins, technology analyst at IDTechEx, considers the latest lightweight materials currently at different stages of technology readiness and suggests what their initial application will be
IFC solutions take-up on the rise but the right balance
is yet to be found for a profitable business model, says Florent Rizzo, senior consultant at Euroconsult
Global Market Insights shares its research into the factors that will drive growth in the aerospace floor panels market size from 2018 to 2024, taking it to US$230m
As the Farnborough Air Show approaches, aviation consultancy IBA, analyzes current trends and issues its predictions for the remainder of 2018