Scandinavian Airlines (SAS), previously known as Scandinavian Airlines System, was a loyal customer of Douglas Aircraft Company and its successor McDonnell Douglas, operating 290 of its aircraft and all major models. These images of SAS cabins from the 1940s to the 1960s show the airline’s great passenger experience over the years.
Drink in the details of fabulous SAS interiors over the decades, including the DC-3 Dakota, the DC-4 Skymaster, the DC-6 and 6B Cloudmasters and the DC-7C Seven Seas, to the DC-8-33 -55, -62, -63, the DC9-21, -32, -33F, -41, -51 and DC-10-30, as well as the MD-81, 82. 83, 87 and 90-30.
Service on board an SAS DC-8-33Glamour, fun, and even an after-dinner cigarette onboard an SAS DC-8 in the early 1960sSAS first class in 1967. This cabin is the long-range DC-8-62, a version of the aircraft stretched by 7ft (2.1m), which could seat up to 189 passengers over 5,200 nmi (9,600km). SAS was one of the first customers for the DC-8-62SAS fitted luxury touches throughout its DC-4 cabinsThe SAS DC-4 on its inaugural flight from Stockholm to New YorkThe interior of SAS’s Ubbe Viking (OY-KGD) DC-9-21 during its delivery flight from California to ScandinaviaThe inaugural flight of SAS’s DC-4. Left: Norway’s minister of transportation, Nils Langhelle. Right: Thomas Scheen Falck Jr, chairman of SAS from 1946 to 1949An SAS DC8-8-33 flying over SvalbardBoxed inflight meals on an SAS DC-9-21Palomar seats on an SAS DC-8-33. This photo was taken before delivery of the aircraftAn extravagant Scandinavian country-style buffet being served on an SAS DC-8-33SAS guests on DC aircraft welcomed the Scandinavian country-style buffetThis image from 1969 shows SAS first class passengers on a DC-8-33 being served meals by a chef, aided by crewThe facing seats on this SAS DC-8-33 made for a convivial flight experienceAn inflight movie being shown on an SAS DC-8-63Glamorous and generous meal service on an SAS DC-8-33SAS crew serving the Scandinavian country-style buffet on a DC-8-33SAS crew giving attentive service on a DC-8-33SAS passengers didn’t go hungry on the DC-8-33sThe SAS DC-8-33 interior, photographed before deliveryThe SAS DC-8-33 interior, photographed before deliveryFun times on board an SAS DC-8-33SAS’s first class in the 1960s, on a DC-8-33A soldier relaxing on an SAS DC-4 flightCentre seats being put to good use on an SAS DC-8-33The factory-fresh interior of an SAS DC-8-33Cabin service onboard SAS’s DC-4s in the 1940-50sSAS crew tending to a sick passenger on a DC-4SAS passengers settling in on a DC-4 flightSocial seating made flights feel shorter on SAS’s DC-8-33sAnother inflight service photo from an SAS DC-8-33Quad seating on the SAS DC-8-33Coffee service on the SAS DC-4Cabin service on the SAS DC-4An SAS passenger enjoying a snack on a DC-4Boxed meals being distributed on an SAS DC-9Cabin cargo being loaded on an SAS DC-4 in the 1950sSeat triples with a centre seat blocking option, as fitted to SAS’s DC-8-33 aircraft. This photo is from 1966SAS crew working in the galleyBreakfast in bed! A treat for first-class passengers on SAS’s DC-6
Torkil Viking, one of SAS’s DC-6Bs . The DC-6B was one of the most economical civil airliners ever built and used by charter operators many years after being phased out of SAS. 287 DC-6Bs were built
SAS DC-10-30, Sverker Viking SE-DFE, in the 1980sSAS DC-10-30, Olav Viking LN-RKA, taking off at Juma Airport in 1976SAS DC-9-41, The Viking King SE-DAS, pictured in April 1988. This photograph also shows the Swedish Royal Couple on tour in the USAThe SAS DC-4 cockpit
Adam loves air travel, and since taking on the Aircraft Interiors International brand he has really enjoyed the opportunity to be involved with the latest aircraft and airline products before they are even launched. Adam co-ordinates the growth of the brand platform, and sits on various panels, including the Crystal Cabin Awards