Global Eagle Entertainment has announced a partnership with Magzter, a cross-platform digital newsstand, to provide a catalogue of thousands of regional and international digital magazines for inflight entertainment.
Magzter, which currently is available as an app (iOS, Google Play, Windows 8, Kindle Fire, among others) and a web portal to buy and read digital magazines and books, features over 3,500 North American and International magazines from more than 1,000 publishers. Global Eagle Entertainment’s provider of digital reading publication software, DTI, will distribute the new content to airline customers via its eReader platform, which is compatible with seatback and wireless IFE systems.
“We are consistently dedicated to increasing publishers’ exposure to the global magazine consumer. This partnership with Global Eagle Entertainment augurs well as a step forward in achieving that mission,” stated Aaron Wall, director of strategic alliances at Magzter. “The magazines on our platform cover a variety of categories including entertainment, sports, lifestyle, travel and news, which are all very popular with leisure and business travellers. Magzter’s extensive international coverage will also allow airlines to offer popular local and regional magazines, which can be route-specific and complementary to their regional audio and video inflight entertainment programming.”